Self care is defined as;
“1. The practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health
2. The practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.” Self care can be as simple as making sure you go to bed at a reasonable hour at night or practicing yoga for 15 minutes a day. Unfortunately, many people [women specifically] define self-care as a luxury rather than a necessity. As a result, they feel overwhelmed, ill, fatigued, etc. The list goes on. If you’re someone who feels this way or has felt this way, it’s time to change your self-care routine and consider a boudoir shoot.
Protecting or preserving our bodies and their health is just as important as protecting/preserving our loved ones needs! You are allowed to take time for yourself. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Make sure that self-care includes things like weekly quiet time, trips, pampering sessions at home, positive self-talk, wonderful scents from bath and beauty products, affirmations, massages, facials, mani/pedis, journaling for 5 minutes a day, etc.
Speaking of Affirmations. . .
There is a book called 73 Lessons Every Goddess Must Know and I want to quote an excerpt from it.
“Today, and everyday, you have permission.
You have permission to say no to demands on your time that don’t light you up, and don’t give energy back to you.
You have permission to not give a crap what’s happening outside your world, and keep your energy focussed on what you are creating.
You have permission to let go of friendships that make you feel like shit.
You have permission to say no whenever you like, however you like, in whatever kind of voice you like, without feeling like only Mean Girls Say No and Nice Girls Say Yes. That’s bull. Yes and No have equal weighting – what’s important is if you use them when they are the best thing for you, not out of fear, obligation or guilt.
You have permission to know that Yes is powerful, and so is No. The power comes from you using either from your highest spirit and truest integrity.
You have permission to change. You have permission to not be the person you once were.
You have permission to get angry and self-righteous, and to also glean the wisdom from those emotions. They are leading you to where your boundaries are, and where they have been crossed, and what you need to do from now on.
You have permission to be exactly how you are.
You have permission to not be more like anyone else in the world, even if you think they are better, wiser or more popular. You have permission to be more like yourself, your gifts and your wisdom.
You have permission to not care what other people think of you.
You have permission to not try to change what other people think of you. You can’t ever argue that you are a good person. They will either know you are, or not. You don’t need to spend time with people who don’t believe in you.
You have permission to do things that your friends and family do not.
You have permission to be wild, expressive, truthful, exciting and outspoken.
You have permission to not accept friendship requests on Facebook, or anywhere else in your life. You have permission to block people whenever you like.
You have permission to share as much or as little as you like. You have permission to blog, or not blog. You have permission to Twitter, or not to Twitter. It doesn’t really matter. As long as it’s making you happy, that’s the best thing.
You have permission to suck at a wide variety of activities. It’s okay. You make up for it with your million other brilliance particles.
You have permission to be whatever body shape you like.
You have permission to choose, and choose again. And then choose again.
You have permission to not always be a perfect image of something.
You have permission to be a contradiction.
You have permission to not go to your school reunion, unless it really excites you and delights you, and you would love to really heart-reconnect with people you went to school with.
You have permission to not be interested in the newest fad: harem pants, geek glasses, polaroid cameras, scrapbooking, macrame. You also have permission to be totally obsessed with them, if it makes your heart light up.
You have permission to cut people from your life. You have permission to surround yourself with people who are good and loving and nurturing to you.
You have permission to be a disappointment to some people, as long as you’re not a disappointment to yourself.
You have permission to do nothing whenever you like.
You have permission to make your big dream come true.
You have permission to not do it all perfectly, or have all your shit together.
You have permission to not forgive people. You have permission to forgive people when it’s right for you.
You have permission to think some people are crazy. You have permission to think some people are smigging ice-cream with chocolate and wafers and sprinkles and cherries on top.
You have permission to not have the perfect relationship.
You have permission to not have a relationship.
You have permission to take whatever time you need for you.
You have permission to make ridiculous choices for yourself.
You have permission to use and listen to your intuition. To feel when things are off, and to remove yourself from them, even when you don’t quite know why. You will always find out why. Our intuition is here to serve us.
You have permission to be down. You have permission to be up.
You have permission to still believe in unicorns and fairies.
You have permission to believe in things that other people think are very very odd and strange. You have permission to not care. You have permission to believe in things that make your life wholer, richer and deeper. You have permission to make your own world that is the truest painting of you.
You have permission to suck at colouring in.
You have permission to say bugger off to anyone who has ever told you that you’re not good enough, you’re not worth it, you are not beautiful, you are not lovable and you are not the most divine, wise, delicious Goddess to walk the planet.
You have permission to know that you are.
You have permission to swear when you like, however you like, to your reckless abandon.
You have permission to not be the best of anything – just the best of yourself. And some days, just the best you can do that day.
You have permission to not always give. You have permission to fill your own cup up first.
You have permission to have things around you that delight you.
You have permission to live in a tipi if you want to, or a mansion. Whatever makes your spirit shine is the right thing for you.
You have permission to make choices on whether it makes your spirit shine.
You have permission to know you are a goddess, even when it doesn’t feel like it. Even when you feel utterly human. Even when you want nothing more than to climb under your blanket, or light up the sky.
You are a goddess.
You have permission.
You have permission.
You have permission.”
More on Why Boudoir is Self Care. . .
Boudoir shoots are self care because they’re about taking time out of life just for you, just like any other form of self care. More importantly boudoir is about focusing on how good you feel with the body [and the imperfections] you have now. Boudoir shoots can help train your thoughts to more positive outlooks. You may not like your acne, your cellulite, your stretch marks, your “muffin top”, the extra weight you may have gained for whatever reason but working with us is an opportunity to learn to appreciate and/or accept those things because they make you who you are. None of these things I just mentioned have anything to do with your worthiness by any means. No matter what you look like you are worthy of love, acceptance and admiration just as much as the next person.
Another reason boudoir shoots are self care is you come in immediately start being pampered with professional hair and makeup. We have a warm and welcoming team here at Hicks Pics Photo so rest assured you will have fun, engage in fun conversations and feel like it’s a day with ‘your girls.’